Federation of Maine Dog Clubs
The objective of the Federation of Maine Dog Clubs Inc. is to coordinate items of general interest to all-breed, obedience, and specialty clubs in the State for their mutual benefit.
Learn MoreOur Mission
When Animals are Protected, Society Benefits
To better accommodate statewide membership, many of the monthly meetings are held as conference calls the third Tuesday every month at 7:00 pm. If you believe that all of society should pay for that protection, consider donating or becoming a member.
Help the Organization
Please consider a donation to help preserve your rights to own a pet in Maine.
Contact Us
About Us
We Care About the Big Picture
Responsible dog owners and the dog clubs in Maine are a valuable resource with much experience in the care of animals.
All of society benefits when animals are given better protection. And, all of society, not just responsible dog owners, should help pay for that protection.
More About FMDCNews and Legislation

At Maine.gov you can sign up for email notifications of public hearings, work sessions and other activities of the Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee. This is very useful in keeping up to date with legislative affairs in Maine. You can also sign up for notifications from other committees as well.

NAIA Trust
FMDCRDO works closely with NAIA Trust. Their mission is ours: The Mission of NAIA Trust is to promote the welfare of animals, strengthen the human-animal bond and safeguard the rights of responsible animal owners, enthusiasts and professionals through education, legislation and the courts.
Additional Resources
ME Voter Information Lookup Service
When you submit your home address, you get a list of all voting information, elected officials and a sample ballot.
AKC Taking Command Newsletter
AKC publishes this newsletter from their government relations department. This newsletter has details on federal, state and local issues.
New England State Capitol News
Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC.
AKC Cancellations
For a list of all AKC events that have been canceled:
US Cancellations
For a list of all dog shows that have been canceled in the US:
RAU Cancellations
RAU dog shows that have been canceled in Pennsylvania: